
Thursday, October 5, 2017

The wheel keeps turning

I pulled out the chain for the cage today.  A little work with some hot glue and I had some longer chain to put on the wheel I made today.  I say wheel.  It's a facimile of a wheel.  What it really is is a pool noodle with paint sticks glued on and painted.  I glued paint sticks on either side of a pool noodle (so the chains could lay over them and look like it was a functioning wheel.  Like the movie, I'm only doing half a wheel.  Which is convenient, cause a full wheel would have been a pain.  I have some shorter rebar I'll slide the two sides of the pool noodle over so that it will form a half circle and give it that wheel look.  I've now spray painted half of the pool noodle (and sticks) a brown 'wood' color and am just waiting for it to dry so I can do the other half.  It's actually 2 pool noodles taped together, so it's a bit long.  The only thing I'm a bit concerned about is that I added too many spokes.  Pfft, oh well.  Done now.  Oh, looking at this pic I realized I did buy a cheapo scimitar for Abby, I just haven't added it yet.  Doh.

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