
Friday, October 6, 2017

Knight costume

My costume for this year is of the grail knight that guards the holy grail and murmurs "choose wisely".  So to that end I've obtained some head chainmail.  It was $20 on Amazon, which is quite the deal for chainmail.  And it's pretty hefty chainmail--I feel fairly certain I could go into battle with it...if there were fake swords.  Larping.  I could larp in this.  I've also been working on some chain mail gloves.  Well, not exactly chain mail.

 The dragon scale gloves that I've made a bunch of look pretty similar--so I'm making longer gray ones that will be nice and warm and allow me to have my fingers free--important.  I've just finished modifying the actual chain mail.  It was a little narrow in the face--like enough to cause issues with putting on my glasses.

So I pulled out my wire cutters and took off a few rows.  Which was surprisingly easy.  Next up is working on my crusader/grail tunic.  I had some leftover white cotton from the boulder slip cover and I'm going to heat bond/applique a brotherhood of the cruciform sword cross onto it.  The final element is a cloak.  At this point I'm not sure if I'll make one or just buy one.  I know I could make one--but I want to clean up my sewing room and at this point I'd almost rather just be done with the costume.  Oh and I've also obtained a long sleeved gray shirt to go under the tunic and cover my arms a bit.  And a gray beard I'll trim up a bit if I get ambitious. I usually don't do the makeup/spirit gum accessories route just because my skin tends to not tolerate it for long...but maybe I could get away with a small beard...

Some progress made on the tunic.  I heatbonded the cut out cross to the basic white cotton, stitched over it like an applique, then made a basic tank top looking piece.  I added a fake 'belt' with just a black tube of fabric attached to the sides.  I also added some ties kind of like an apron on the sides so I could adjust the fit more easily.  With the gray shirt, chainmail, and gloves, it looks pretty close to what I wanted.  I ended up finding a gray cape online for $20.  My first thought was to make a cape/cloak, but by the time I bought fabric and finished it, yes a nice cloak, but the time and work would have vastly exceeded $20.  So that should be here in a few days and the outfit should be pretty complete.  I have a long beard I can modify--or maybe make one with yarn/crochet.  I'm not sure what I'll go with--may have to play with materials.

The cape arrived.  It's...a $20 cape.  But it'll work.  I modified it slightly with a frog attachment at the neck rather than the ribbon it had.  And I might need to hem it--it's a bit long and I don't want to be tripping.  But other than that it's a whole lot of work I didn't have to do. 


  1. The costume sounds fantastic and I love the gloves! I started the knitting class at MCC but I stopped going because I'd rather finish up the quilting class. I went to the last quilt class this morning! I more block to go and then I can think about making a finished quilt. I'm definitely planning to see your house sometime before Halloween.

    1. Sometimes you have to balance different hobbies:) That's awesome about the quilt! Hope to see you!
