
Tuesday, October 3, 2017

It's up!

So the yard went up rather suddenly.  I mean really there aren't that many pieces--they're big and awkward this year, but not many of them.  I also fiddled with the lights and while I'm still playing with them and will be adding a few details, the bulk of it is up and running.

I also did a walk through with the lights:

I also cracked the door to listen to some first reactions from the kids getting out of school--this is always a bit of a litmus test to see how the haunt will be received.  No one seemed to understand that it was from Indiana Jones--which is fine, I didn't really expect them to get it without the lights, the boulder, and the music.  And even then...
ANYways, here are some of their first impressions:
  • Ooo--I like the decorations this year!!!
  • Remember last year?  What was last year?  Oh right, Jurassic Park.  There was a waterfall. 
  • My little brother was sooo scared last year (evil giggle)
  • They make em. (discussing the props)
  • Scary skeletons!!
  • That's pretty cool.
  • Green snake!  (little girl in voice of alarm--I feel you girl)
  • What is THIS?!? (much confusion)
  • Scary...scaaaary...SCARY  (ascending alarm)
  • Whoa cooooool!
  • Look at that!  That's so creepy!  So cool daddy!
  • Look at that Halloween yard!
  • Daaaaadddyyyyy! (running away)
  • What the heck?  I mean, my family does some Halloween..but they go ALL out.
  • Don't you want to trick or treat here?!?  (said excitedly)
  • I mean look how cool!  It's definitely scarier this year.
  • I'd be scared to have a house like that--the cobra? No.  (dude you have no idea)
  • Don't go close! (smaller kid)
  • But what happened to the dinosaurs? (possibly my favorite comment, mostly because he seemed legit concerned what I did with last year's props)
A little tweaking--a cloak for Abby so his framework isn't showing as much.  A skeleton in the Kali maa cage...oh and some red net lighting in front of the cage to simulate the lake of lava! Pics once it gets dark enough.  

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