Sunday, October 15, 2023

Going batty

So this year's theme is a bat cave.  Not like batman. I've had to explain that more than once.  More like vampire lair vibes. It partly centered around what I'm giving out this year-- homemade plush bats.  

Slightly insane, no argument.  Especially when you consider that I'm making about 200 of them.  🤦‍♀️

But they've been turning out cute.  And I'm also giving out a spider ring and fruit snacks (bat food 😆). I'm going for an adopt-a-bat feel. 

Mom and Sam have been great in helping me turn and stuff the bats.  And I'm down to sewing up the last 60 or so. They've got little loops so they can hang.  My original idea was to hang them up on the porch and have the kids pick them. But with how quickly they tend to get in and out,  I think I'm going to go with these little cellophane bags with black stripes that look like a little cave.  Sam suggested adding little names on them, beanie baby style.  We'll see...

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