
Friday, October 19, 2018

Stranger Things rises!

The porch/table cloth enclosure went up pretty easily.  I had a windless day and darted out to put it up.  I can work with rain, but not wind.  It went white on the outside (like the Byers home) and on the inside, the top was yellow, and the bottom a wood paneling/wainscoating tablecloth roll that I found.  It definitely looks much like the Byers living room.

Bulk of the props in the front yard went up the next day.  I think I'm getting a bit better at anticipating the problems associated with my specific yard.  Light box went up pretty easy--I'm still futzing with the lights, but then, I tend to.  Fences went up really quickly over the rebar.  I put up biohazard tape and caution/quarentine/biohazard signs all over those.  I also put up a missing poster for Will Byers, laminated.  It was lifted directly from the series.

The pumpkin I thought would need yardstakes, but really with how much it's been raining, a bit of water at the bottom of the plastic bowl has kept them anchored down pretty well.  That may change, but for now, it works.

Castle Byers still needs to be worked on to add some details (part of today's project), but the former boulder from Indiana Jones 2017 Halloween went up easily over some short rebar.  I used up the last of the wood paneling from the inside porch to wrap around it to simulate the wood fort.  It needs some work, but I'll get it there.  It's served very well as a way to prop up/hide the lightning light that adds to the mind flayer prop.

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