
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Carving Night 2018

It turned out to be a nice warm night, and we didn't actually need all the thousands of blankets I brought out.  But that seems to be how it goes.  On the bright side, I now have tons of lovely smelling blankets (washed with the unstoppable scent bead things) for the winter.  Bonus.  Had a nice sized group, and had 3 carvers competing for the Trumpkin to smash, which was awarded to Melissa who did an amazing job on a new Zombie Pumpkin pattern this year, the tell tale heart.  Mom dressed up as Dustin from Stranger Things--the black wax over her front teeth nailed it.  I went as Joyce Byers, which made for easier carving and moving around.  We had a nice spread with much fewer leftovers, partly due to having the buffet in the living room with chairs--people were more apt to sit and chat with a plate of food and go back for more or graze.  So that may have to be a new thing.  All in all a fun night!

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