
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

First Halloween Scouting trip

Halloween has hit the stores with a boom and suddenly it's the most wonderful time of the year!  So it was time for a little scouting.  Nowadays it's rare that I'll buy props--I'm much more likely to buy parts to make props, but you never know.  MAYBE I'l find the perfect prop that will complete the yard.  So scouting must take place.  Plus, I wanted to see if the dollar tree had their skulls out yet.  So first up was Zurchers, where I picked up a roll of gold tablecloth (aka, my backdrop for the porch).  While there I found a gorgeous zombie/corpse guy that I'm seriously debating about getting.  He's $158, which is pretty steep, but actually pretty average for that type of thing.  Anyway, he would be a perfect "Crap, I just chose the wrong grail goblet" guy or a white walker for (potentially) next year.  Plus, he doesn't have a long thing where he says stuff--I hate that.  He just moans and lurches around.  But I still want to price him and consider options before committing.

Next stop was the dollar tree.  I came in and swooped up a large portion of their skulls--30 of them.  I think I'll go back for more though--can't have too many skulls on this particular year.  I also picked up a few treat bowls and one that I can modify for a hanging light/cauldron thing.  Oh and some spiders for the entry way.

Next up was the oh-so-dangerous Spirit Halloween.  I really should just hand over my wallet to the cashier with promises not to give it back.  I was actually really good though.  I managed to leave without getting anything.  Though I took quite a few pics of possible things to price or consider.  Very cool skeletons, lights, and a never-before-seen dragon mask that almost came home with me.  Ooh, and a pile of skulls that doubled as a fog machine.  But for $80 I was able to refrain.  I also found a *shudder* fake snake that I checked out for wrapping around the head of my skull rock guy.  But he's a little on the small side, and he's completely rubbery, he's not the right type, and he's not easily posed.  On the other hand, he's only $17 (vs. a lot of diy work)

I went to Home Depot and got some styrofoam for my mummy box, some great stuff for well, ALL the things, paint for various projects, etc.  Ooh and I ogled their Halloween display.  Seriously, their animated 9 ft inflatable dragon?  *swoon*   I wrapped up the day with a trip to Smiths to check out their Halloween section, which was still being put together, though had some cool stuff.  I was putting groceries into my trunk and a few of the $ tree skulls tumbled out and went rolling.  Gave the lady next to me quite the non sequitur.  I awkwardly laughed and scooped them up.  Ah, the first awkwardness of fervent Halloween shopping.  

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