
Sunday, September 3, 2017

Choose Wisely

So part of my plan for the porch section is to dress up as the holy grail knight and dispense treats.  But how you ask?  Ah.  So Indy has to make a choice between potential grail cups.  My thought was to bring over that choice with a selection of treats, which I've recently obtained.  But how to have them choose?  This is where the treat dispensary comes in.  I basically just glued together a half of a box with styrofoam and 3 sections that are big enough to cover a treat bowl.  I'm planning on cutting out hand-size holes over each one and then adding some cloth or around the hole to make it hard to see which hole has what treat.  I've also carved "Choose Wisely" into the front.  And I have plans to murmur "he chose...poorly" while looking sadly at a skeleton I'll have all broken in a corner.

As far as paint goes, I'm still going over options with Sarah.  The frontrunner so far is to do metallic gold in the crevice and maybe a black over the whole thing.  Then with maybe gold cloth over the holes.  But still debating on that.  The whole thing is just under 4 feet, so it'll sit comfortably on a card table and take up a good section of the porch.  This might get a little tricky for my smaller trick or treaters, so I'm debating about a box or step that they could get closer on.  We'll so how that goes--I may have to transfer treats to my hand that they can then pick which hand.

**UPDATE** Obtained the gold paint.  It's a little darker, less metallic, than I thought, but I think it'll work.  Once it's dry, I'll paint over it with black.  I also need to cut out the hand holes for them.  **Okay, have cut out the holes for the hands.  Now just painting the main color to do.  Then add some fabric to obscure the holes a bit.

Got the first layer of paint on!  It's splotchy and definitely needs a second coat, as well as the sides done (awkward work space).  But it's starting to look closer to how I envisioned it:)

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