
Sunday, October 17, 2021

Candy Chute head 2021

 I loved my sandworm candy chute head.  It was a creative outlet last year when I was needing it.  But.  It's a very specific kind of thing and theme.  I wanted something more generic.  Or at least options.  Which leads to this project of making a rando gargoyle-esque guy.  The good news is that I'm generally aware of how I need to make this head, and in theory have learned from previous mistakes....right?  RIGHT??

Started with the head, and then I decided he needed a body for balance (a last year issue).  So I taped together one using an old juice container, wire, and foil.  It's not proportional to the head, but that's part of the weirdness about it.  For a minute I thought it was going to be more dragon-like, but I think I pulled it away from that brink. (Not that I don't want a dragon chute candy head...I do...just not right now...and I would have had to start aaaalll over...and I didn't want to)

I've got one layer of paper mache on him.  I'm debating about adding a layer of hot glue on a few areas to build up some detail structure on him.  I learned a few things from my demiguise mask which I think will transfer.  And I've got some liquid latex left that I figured I could coat the teeth with so nothing is sharp.  But so far I'm liking him.  

Oh, and I had a last minute thought and opened the juice container and filled him up with some spare gravel/rocks I had laying around before sealing him back up.  Again, balance issues, and kids bump and move him (often unintentionally), so now he has a bit of a heft to him that will hopefully help.  

I put a coat of dark gray spray paint on this guy.  Mostly because I wanted to see what he looked like-- newspaper print can be hard to see what he looks like.  I'm debating adding a clay like layer using ripped up paper towels.  Right now he's a bit boring.  At the very least I'll go over him with sine detail, maybe add on some scales and details.  

I'm debating about realistic vs statue/ gargoyle.  Maybe this year it'll be gargoyle,  next year I can get some paint on him.  

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