
Monday, October 28, 2019

Cauldron Update

So amidst getting ready for the party/Halloween, I decided to make sure that the fog machine for the cauldron was going to work alright (I know, I know, probably should have tested it earlier. *shrug*)  And found that not only was there not really enough uuumph to get the smoke through the hose properly, the machine was REALLY loud.  Especially in such a small contained space.  Nuh-uh.  So for the party I switched to dry ice and fortunately the lights were submersible lights that could go underwater.  It looked pretty cool and spooky, but the maintenance on it was pretty high.  Hot water like every 15 minutes at least.  I was not looking forward to this for Halloween.  So during a shower thought (always the best place for inspiration) I had the idea to just make a larger version of the small cauldron I've got on the witch table with some batting.  After a little trial and error, I was able to fashion something that looks like a cauldron bubbling, but without the labor intensiveness of keeping dry ice freshly bubbling over.  BUT, and this is the important bit, I think it'll still be intimidating to have kids reach their hand into the cauldron.  I have a garbage can that holds up the bowl of candy.  I taped the three lights onto the bottom of the wire wreath, then put the wire wreath over the bowl of candy.  And on top of everything, I put a large piece of white felt that I lightly tacked down some batting bunches on top.  There's also a large x cut in the middle of the batting that reaches down into the bowl of treats.  But between the felt and the fluff, it's not immediately apparent where you're putting your hand.  Now to decided if it should be green...or do a rainbow of colors.  Hmmm....

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