
Tuesday, October 15, 2019


This project I'm hoping doesn't look too sad.  Partly because the materials were basically cardboard and duct tape.  I wanted to have a little photo op from the scene with the guys in the cages.  And I had the idea of making a faux half of a cage that kids/adults could get behind it and pretend they were in the cage.  I thought of a couple of different mediums to use--I had started to price pvc joints when Sarah suggested that cardboard would actually get me the shape I wanted and much cheaper/easier/faster.  So I got 2 large boxes from Home Depot. One of them I cut up into strips and began making a facimile of the cages in the movie--there are large sections rather than close together bars.  The idea with this is to have fake legs hanging out over the edges, which the person providing the upper part of the body.  So I've covered it now in shiny duct tape--I realize the cages are a rustic creakiness, but there's only so much work I'm willing to extend in the name of authenticity.  And tonight I taped the cage onto the 2nd cardboard box that I've then cut a half circle in so that they can 'step into' the cage.  The final step will be to get some pants at the di (or my closet if possible) and set up some fake legs hanging out of the cage.  It'll go on the driveway on Halloween.  I've also rigged up a spotlight so that the scene setter will get some light and hopefully people will use it to take some pictures.  The spotlight also adds some light around the area where people will be coming and going near the steps--never a bad idea.

Found the perfect pants!  In our own house.  When I asked, Sam was like "yeah, I don't think OH WAIT I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED" and then pointed out that the Dumb and Dumber onesie would probably be the perfect shade.  Sam and her boyfriend had gotten them years ago for a pub crawl--and they are occasionally useful for when we have onesie events.  ANYways, I went digging and found them, just rolled up the top half of the onesie.  I grabbed two pool noodles from the garage and bent them at leg like angles and bound them with tape.  A pair of socks went on, and then the pants.  They're the perfect width and very light so they can be moved into a few different positions, which is PERFECT.  I made Sam and Natalie get into the cage to make sure the illusion was believable...and, and then I maaay have done a wee bit of photoshop AND I'M NOT SORRY AT ALL!!

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