
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Audio drama

One of the things I inevitably end up struggling with each year is all the music for the party as well as during Halloween.  While it's fine to play it all from my phone on Halloween night, sometimes the speaker misbehaves and insists that I be RIGHT NEXT TO IT and will start to cut out if I move even five extra feet away.  This year is tricky because I have some audio files rather than streaming that I want to play on the speaker in the front yard--the farthest my phone will probably ever get.  Add to that that I'd like quietly classical spooky music in the living room, and slightly more customized/boistrous music in the backyard. Now technically amazon music has an option if you want to play music through your alexas simultaneously.  But it also involves buying a family plan.  I don't need it all the time--just for this one night.  So I've fiddled around and found on Pandora there is an acceptable classical halloween station/playlist.  And I've created a routine on my alexa so that when I say 'spooky music' to it, it starts playing that station at a low volume.  I've created another routine when I say 'scary music' it starts playing my customized Halloween party playlist from Spotify.  And for the front yard?  That was trickier.  I have an old fire tablet that I got years ago on black friday.  But it has wifi and bluetooth, which is what I need to connect to the speaker bulb out there.  I transferred the audio files on my phone via dropbox, and tested it out so that my fire can play a shuffle playlist of 7 songs over and over.  It really doesn't like being far from the bulb, but I think I can fit the fire into the weatherproof box for the lights, which is under 6 feet away.  Shoooould work?  I'm hoping, as this would solve a few problems, namely being able to have different music at 3 different locations.  Here's hoping.

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