
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Winnifred Sanderson Costume

Started sketching away and more importantly looking at stills of the movie to see what are some of the key features of the costumes to make.  And looking at a lot of cosplay that has been done.  The exact details seem less important in doing an effective one than the overall look of all three coming together.  And a few iconic pieces.  As I'm going as Winnifred, I feel the need to pay close attention.  Plus, hers is literally the more elaborate one.  So at this point, I've obtained a purple dress that is long and has 3/4 sleeves.  I'm intending to modify it by adding some gold ribbon/cord to the front to simulate medievalesque stays.  And I've also obtained (via my newly opened large Joann fabrics) six yards of green crushed velvet.  I'm coordinating with Sarah about the level of swoopiness I want in the sleeves.  But basically I'll be making a coat that will go over the dress, have giant sleeves, and have gold symbols running up and down the edges.

In trying to figure out the best way to add the symbols, I've been finding this blog particularly useful:  This girl, Morgan, did the science I was going to do and tried out a range of different ways to put paint on velvet.  So I'll probably go with her recommendations.  The only thing I did find at Joanns that was intriguing was a gold fabric paint spray.  But that requires stencils over freehand.  I'll have to see how it all goes. Experimentation will likely be needed.  But first I need to make the house coat.

As far as the other costumes go, I actually found a purple skirt in the basement as I was cleaning out a back room that would likely work well for the Sarah costume with some pink material either sewn or draped around the hips.  I'm encouraged.

Yeah, I caved.  I looked at all the other projects I wanted to get done as well as the (non-Halloween) demands on my time, and when I went through Spirit Halloween I saw an already made Winnifred Sanderson costume....IN MY SIZE.  It's not my ideal version of the costume (flouncier sleeves, details on the back), BUT...I don't not look like Winnifred in it.  So I'm calling it good.  It has been pointed out to me several times (by more than one person), that not everything has to be from scratch.  Sometimes it's okay to pick up already done items.  So.  I'm going with that.  My wig came the other day, and I've been practicing with makeup to achieve the buck teeth.  Originally I was going to have prosthetic teeth, but honestly they are sooooo hard to talk/breathe/anything-remotely-involving-the-mouth that I looked for alternatives with makeup and found a few tutorials that just paint on the buck teeth to the bottom lip.  It looks good enough that I'm fine with it--just need to practice a bit. 

Sam took some pics of me in the wig and the lip makeup (not full on makeup of everything else because I got excited).  And then I played with photoshop on my new phone.  I do need to get some of the jewelry ready.  But that I can do over the next few weeks.

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