
Thursday, October 11, 2018

Kid review of 2018

One of the traditions I do is to listen in on some of the first impressions of the haunt from the school kids as they come home from school and it's all up.  It helps to gauge where I may have nailed it, or missed the mark.  And what things need clarification--what I think it obvious may be lost to others.

Here's what I heard with the door cracked open.

Parent: Did you guys figure it out? Kid: I think it's something from Jurassic park (?)


What is this even from?  Stranger Things!  You haven't seen it?!?

Ooooh, it's from Stranger Things!

THAT'S SO SICK!  That's from Stranger Things!  SO SICK! (kids still say this apparently)

Go up on the porch!  Oh, they have nothing (Wait for it young one...)

Those are the big monsters in stranger things!  That's sick

Looks like that monster from Mario brothers (?)

I wonder if they make them...are they made of cardboard?  if you only knew, kid

Look at that, it's like a venus flytrap!

That's awesome!

They're pumpkins!  Or no...cauldrons?  I mean...they're not not cauldrons...

Come see this!  Check out this setup!  Is that a fake missing poster?? A loooooad of kids were super concerned about the fake missing flyer.  I'd say a good 30-40% of them.

They make these.  They made a giant t-rex one time!  awww, Suzy, you're remembered!

What is that show?  It's really good, you should watch it (parent to another parent)

Look at this.  It's different every year.  Look at those plants!  If you touch it, you'll get stung.  STAY OUT! My kind of kid.

"Have you seen me?" (missing flyer) No, I think he's really missing! seriously, they were concerned.

There's keep out caution tape.  And missing poster signs, like for real. 

Pretty cool.  In a passing verdict tone.  I'll take it.  

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