
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Flickering lights

Last minute tweaks are oh so fun.  Oye.  So Sam and I were trying to figure out if there was a way to get the lights over the letters to flicker.  Which is possible with the button on the timer, but a little awkward to do.  Then I vaguely remembered that I had a xmas foot switch that would be easier to manipulate.  Dug through some drawers and found it, hooked it up, and voila, instant flickering lights.  I would love to have the lights flicker one by one, but this is an easy low tech hack.  The foot switch is sensitive enough that you don't have to entirely turn them off, but just interrupt the power long enough to get the flicker effect.  And it has a cord that reaches right to the door, which is where Sam will be manipulating the curtain for some creepy hand and face stretching through the walls.  Between the lights, the wall, and Natalie hanging out a la Demogorgon when they come back out, things are looking like they're going to be super creepy!

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