
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Creepsy Vines

I had this little side project I wasn't sure I'd get to finish before I got too involved with cleaning and such.  But it was such a small project, I managed to sneak it in.  I found this tutorial that talked about making waterproof, bendable vines using great stuff.  I was intrigued.  Great Stuff insulation is one of my main materials I end up using and I'm always interested in different uses for it.  So the basic idea is to take natural fiber rope, tie smaller rope to it to give it a vine/root looking feel along with pulling it apart a little.  And then you take a dollop of great stuff (or many) and smear it up and down the length of the rope.  After it dries, you paint it.  Pretty simple, but it ended up looking amazing!  I ended up painting mine more of a brown so it ended up looking more like roots, but that works because a lot of the 'vines' that Indy uses in the movie are more like roots anyway.  I was highly impressed by how quickly the project went.  I started in the evening, took breaks between waiting for the foam to set, and the paint to dry (I went spray paint) and by the time it got dark, I was able to attach metal to the ends so I could insert them into my display.  They made a great way to add a little something to the ceiling towards the end of the porch. 

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