
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

3rd and 4th Carvings

I finished the 3rd and 4th carvings of the season, though technically the first ones that were on real pumpkins.  I wanted these to have a bit of Indiana Jones, though I'm debating about future ones being similarly themed.  I prefer to feel like I can do whatever pattern comes along rather than be constrained by my theme of the year.  But I admit it does look cool when they do go with the theme.  Oye.  I've got to think about it a bit more.  I've already got 2 more already gutted, just waiting for some carving, and a few that haven't been touched.  So I need to decide soon.  In the meantime, I found this Indiana Jones one on a new site I discovered.  They're not great at doing portraits, but it was the most doable Indiana Jones pattern I could find.  The "Samhain skull" (which is a bit kali ma esque) though is from my usual (favorite) Zombie pumpkins site.

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