
Friday, September 8, 2017

Lovely bones

So I got a bunch of skulls at the dollar store, but I started to worry that I would a) run out of skulls pretty quick and b) might look a bit odd if I didn't have enough.  I mean ideally, I'd love to have hundreds of skulls and do a catacombs-esque wall *sigh*....but that's a whole lot of skulls.  So I looked around for filler.  Plastic bones, femurs and such, are wicked expensive if you get them reasonably sized.  And if they're going on a fence, the 3-4 inch ones aren't quite going to work.  So I started to look up making my own bones.  Obviously the first thing I ran into was paper mache bones.  I wasn't opposed per se, but that's still a lot of work for the number I'm looking at. Plus, I was hoping for a much quicker kind of a project.  So I started thinking about cheap, readily available products I had that would also be weather durable.  After some musing, I came up with what I consider a fairly brilliant idea.  *toots own horn*.

Paint sticks + Ping pong balls!  

Because they're just laying flat against a fence, the bones don't have to be 3 dimensional, just have the appearance/shape of a bone.  I recently obtained a bunch of paint sticks and I have the hundred and hundreds of ping pong balls from the Harry Potter quidditch.  I swear, those ping pong balls have come in handy waaaaay more than I ever thought they would.  Like, hella amounts.  So I did a test run.  Pulled out the glue gun and after a little trial and error, determined that it was best to actually make a small cut in the ping pong, put glue over the edge of one paint stick, then slip the notch in the ball over the glue.  After both sides have balls on them, I went over some of the creases to make it a little more secure.  I think it's the fastest way I'm going to find to make bones.  I'll still have to paint them, but I have plenty of white spray paint.  Then I think it'll just be a matter of white string fixing it to the fence.  Very pleased with this solution, and bonus--it's a project I can do mostly while just watching a movie inside, which is apropos because it's been raining off and on all day.

Have obtained a lot more paint sticks, and dug out the extra glue.  I've been sitting here for a bit just making bones.  Lovely project.  Easy to watch a few movies to and just relax.  The afternoons have still been pretty hot and drive me out of the heat, so this inside project has been perfect.
Abby's necklace
Have painted the bones white on both sides and also glued a 1/4" nut on the back so that they can be strung up.

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