
Monday, September 25, 2017

Bone Fence

I reconstructed the old Jurassic Park fence today.  It'll serve well as a Kali maa skull fence.  I'm going to steal Sam to help me get it spray painted black/rusty before attaching a bunch of the skulls and bones I've made.  I haven't made too many bones--or rather, I have supplies to make many more--just because I'm not entirely sure how far they'll stretch on the fence.  Some trial and error is required.

Sam helped me paint the majority of the three fences before I ran out of black spray paint.  Might need to do a run to Home Depot tomorrow and finish up.  But 2 of them have a good base coat of black, which is excellent.  I think I'll also get going on making some more bones.  I'm not sure how many can artistically go on each fence, but I'm guessing more than the 20 I have to distribute between Abby's necklace and 3 fences.

Finally got some of the bones and skulls on the fences.  In retrospect, I should have glued the nuts on in different directions--I may have to do some of them differently before finishing the fence up.  And I'll fill in some of the gaps once I'm sure how many skulls I have to devote to the fence.  But I think I'll be just fine.  Starting to look very Thuggee :)

Okay.  I produced some more bones and skulls with different nut placement, which made it easier to put them on.  So I got the last fence finished and then went back and added a few more on the other two.  I'm going to stop before it gets too crowded and/or I fuck it up.  And I'm calling it done.  Which is a relief.  This is actually the project that has to definitely be done before anything goes up in the yard.  I've lost my ability to trust people walking by.  Don't get me wrong, I love people coming up and enjoying my haunt display, but some will also let their wee children run rampant in it, sometimes even with the fence.  Last year was kind of a disaster on several possible occasions because I had the ultimate temptation of wee dinosaurs.  The combo of several grabby toddlers and apathetic parents almost cost me several dinos, each of which took a lot of work.  I'm guessing less temptation on this one--just hoping I won't lose too many skulls or bones from someone snapping them off my fence.  This is why I was looking for a cheap alternative like the paint stick/ping pong combo--because I assume I'll lose some to a few asshole kids--it's just the nature of the beast.  But trying not to dwell.  I have a month to play out my "get off my lawn" old man tendencies.  I need to go into the season with naive expectations that nothing will be destroyed.

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