
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Sketch vs. Reality

So I'm going through a lot of my old blog posts, mostly because I used to use Photobucket, and they've decided to give an ultimatum of pay us money or we ditch your photos/links.  Thus there are several older posts that have an error image from when I used to use the link from them.  Which is a little frustrating, because there's no indication which photo it is; I have to try and figure it out based just on any notes I added (which tended to be sparse back in the day) and/or timeline from my own files.  ANYways.  I ended up looking at a lot of the old files and started comparing my initial sketches with how the display eventually turned out.  Normally the sketches are just a preliminary way to vomit up any possible ideas, and lots of things change, get thrown out entirely or get modified based on available materials and/or time.  And I don't go back to them or use them as a hard guideline; they're more for my brain to just process ideas.  But occasionally they've been spot on in terms of what actually ends up on the porch/lawn.  So I grouped together a couple of the ones that kind of nailed them:

2012: Little Shop of Horrors

2013: Anglerfish/underwater graveyard

2014: Harry Potter

2016: Jurassic Park

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