
Saturday, April 15, 2017

Halloween 2017 theme....

In deciding on this year's theme, I went through a couple of different stages.  I had been leaning towards an Egyptian theme initially, kind of a generalized cursed mummy-esque kind of feel.  But frankly, it felt a little...uninspired.  I was looking around for other possibilities when I came across the idea of doing....wait for it....

Indiana Jones!!

Yay!!!  Okay, so with this theme we get lots of Egyptian stuff, (as well as Mayan and possibly alien) but also a lot of structure built into the theme as well--music, characters, a recognition with what's going on.  Now there's always a risk that it will get too restrictive...but I think it's a broad enough theme to allow for some fun.  I'm much more excited about this, which is the main ingredient in any theme--if I'm lackluster about it, it just doesn't have those bursts of creativity.  And I don't work nearly as hard at the various projects.

Plus, I grew up on Indiana Jones so there's major nostalgia (always a plus)...and it has the potential for a lot of scariness; I remember a few scenes from Temple of Doom being extremely nightmare worthy.  I identified very well with Indiana Jones and his loathing of all things snake-like.  There may be some confronting projects for this year as there will obviously have to be some kind of snake. Actually, I already have thoughts about this.  And sketches will start popping up shortly. In the meantime, I have an Indiana Jones marathon to get started...

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