
Sunday, September 4, 2016

Comic Con 2016

I took a break from Halloween projects and went off to Comic Con for a couple of days.  As is the case every year, being able to interact with wonderfully creative and geeky people is always an incredible, overwhelming and ultimately humbling experience.  I dressed up in my Fawkes costume for Thursday, then had to switch to my Luna Lovegood hat on Friday because EVANNA LYNCH (aka Luna Lovegood) CAME TO COMIC CON!!!!  And her panel was just so lovely and thoughtful and she spoke from the pov of a true HP fan, which was refreshing and *sigh* just swell.  I also went ahead and got her autograph which was a new experience and gave me a chance to actually meet her and chat for a minute or so.  She liked and asked questions about my hat and rubbed the nose affectionately.  Then in our photo op she recognized me and did another pat on the lion snout with a bit of a laugh.  The whole thing was just a huge highlight, especially as I've been going as Luna Lovegood for...4(?) cons and then to meet the embodiment of her was surreal and amazing.

Lots of awesome cosplay to be seen and some great panels.  Saturday I've gotten into the habit of just going in a nerdy shirt and kind of allowing myself to relax, not have to worry about navigating a costume or being stopped every five minutes for a picture (which is an awesome experience, but after two days it gets a little old).  I stayed longer than I intended, but I wasn't completely exhausted when I got back, just a little...needing to regrow the shattered personal bubble.  And definitely needing some quiet after the loud whooping and yelling.

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