
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Dying to Dye

Beautiful jungle leaf detail quilt
New hobby alert!  So I found this blog whilst trolling for applique ideas, and found this GORGEOUS one that someone had done of a leaf with very subtle shades of green.  Followed it back until I found her blog...and now I have a new hero.  This woman is seriously talented and I love all of her stuff.  And she wrote a post about ice dyeing fabric which I didn't know was a thing.

Basically, you soak white/cotton fabric (accounts vary in what), scrunch up (possibly in artistic ways) and put on a drainable grill over a container.  Pack on different shapes/sizes of ice.  Sprinkle powdered dye over using different colors and amounts.  Let ice melt.  Wash/treat fabric.  Use to quilt ALL the things!

But seriously, it's kind of a mix between batik and tie dye--I'm really eager to attempt it, and have made a timely Joann's trip to pick up some muslin that coincided with their super sale going on--score!  So hopefully there will be more to come on the adventures of ice dyeing...

Got all the things for ice dyeing: Soda ash fixer (pre-wash), synthapol (detergent), powdered dye, plain fabric (Thank you Joann's sales!) and all the safety supplies that go along with it--aprons, masks, etc. First foray will be on the 10th--yay!

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