
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Fan X 2016

The adventures of Fan X 2016!!


So first off, I convinced my uncle to join me because I had an extra Thursday pass.  So we ended up spending the day together, which was awesome!  Highlights were the Buzz Aldrin panel--amazingly inspiring, especially when he talked about what humanity can do when we work together.  We also did the Levar Burton panel and a photo op a bit later.  Both incredible!  Lots of photo opportunities, taking pics next to stuff, and general fun was had.

Less fun being on my own, but it was an awfully packed day.  Lots of panels, 2 photo ops--Dean Cain *swoon*, and Summer Glau.  Panels--George Takei, Dean Cain, Summer Glau.  Did the Harry Potter cosplay meetup which ended up being less people than last time, but definitely cool in that we could see everyone.  Phoenix costume was a hit in that context.  Also, a random turtle wandered by.  It had a crossbow and a walking dead logo.  Not sure if a reference from Walking Dead...or if the tortoise was cosplaying as Daryl from Walking Dead....may never know.  Lastly, the Dr. Who Panel with 3 of the doctors and River Song.  Lovely, except for the ass who sat next to me whooping so loud my eardrums nearly burst.  Had to ask him to stop yelling so loud.  Ugh.  Other than that, wonderful.


 Highlights--Jason Isaacs panel--amazing speaker!  Totally controlled the room, whittled away the dumber questions deliberately, which turned out to be genius!  Didn't wear costume, as I was just in panels back to back for four hours (Alex Kingston, Jason Isaacs, Jeremy Renner, Kate Beckingsale)

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