
Friday, October 3, 2014

Last of the messy projects

Got some lovely help today--Kendra was gracious enough to come over and help me with a couple of projects that were a little larger than 1 person could do easily.  We actually got a lot done given the amount of time.  We set the rest of the poles and filled up the rest of them a bit so they were more sturdy.  So the hoops are done, minus the actual attaching of the hoops.

We also taped up the cupboard that my Mom had found with painter's tape and painted some of the parts a gold to spruce it up a bit.  It'll make a good candy display.

Afterwards--pretty gold trim
Before, with random bits on it,
plus all roughed up.

All taped up

We also got the rest of the scene setter wall up to full enclose the porch, as well as the stained glass windows up.

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