
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Chocolate Frogs...and other stuff

Lots of projects that have been wrapped up, tweaked, or modified.  One of the important ones--finished both the Bertie Botts and the Chocolate frog boxes (cut out and assembled).  Waiting on the bags in order to fill the Bertie Botts, but the chocolate frogs are now ready as of this evening and just waiting to be put in and sealed into their boxes.  Also put together some Honeydukes shopping bags (aka, little white bags with the honeydukes label glued on).

The rest of the honeydukes displays are also going well--lollipop holder got set up with a few pieces of styrafoam glued together, and labels are (almost!) all done to put on the larger vases of loose candy.

Let's see, what else....oh, the floating candles got put up along with some net lighting to simulate the night sky--turned out plenty of lighting and very pretty.

The house points cup and point system is ready to go--just an expo marker on the fridge and some magnets of the house crests.  I've also got the spinner thing above to switch over to who is winning, and the bulb behind it to switch to the house color (that's probably confusing--more pics later)

Also put up these really cool movie posters I found and had blown up--very simple and minimal, but I wanted to have something to go in this kind of blank spot; these posters were perfect.

Pattern via
And last but not least, I did a cut out for a potential project--the sirius black face in the fireplace.  I'm going to pull out some red and orange lights, put them in the fireplace as coals, then hang the Sirius cut out so that the 'coals' light up his face.  We'll see if it works.  If not, I can always just hang him up with some red paper behind (like le photo).


Got the chocolate frogs into the boxes and sealed, the jelly beans into the bertie botts, and the flaps all closed with wee flags cause....reasons.  Officially calling the honeydukes 99% done.

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