
Monday, August 4, 2014

HP jewelry

Chipped away at a few of the snitch bracelets, and finished one of the owl necklaces.  Turned out well,  just have to finish them up and put into nice boxes for prizes.

Finished a few more owl necklaces and got them into boxes, as well as some more snitch bracelets.  Also attempted a quidditch necklace that I had seen on some Harry Potter site--it's definitely a novelty kind of necklace, but I think it's still a worthy prize. 

In other projects, I finally sat down and figured out a matrix label system for the wands.  I picked four different types of wood, 4 cores, and 3 ranges of length.  So technically each wand will be entirely unique.  And I figured out how to display them so that each could technically be found easily.  

More jewelry!  A few more snitch bracelets, more owl necklaces (and a really cute 'howler' envelope--a bit of red nail polish), and a wee cage with a pygmy puff.  

Snitch bracelets--was going to put them into boxes, but some are different sizes and need to be tried on. 

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