
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Daily Prophet Completion

Yay for being productive!  Had a wand session with Sarah where we finished 36 wands (huzzah!) and hashed out a couple of the projects, coming up with some excellent plan b's, and discarding a few options that had been lurking on a couple of the projects.  This is why it's awesome to have someone a) as nerdy as me and b) willing to BE nerdy with me.  Also, this session takes us up to 56 wands for trick-or-treaters, 29 fancier ones for the party. (85 total)

 On another note, also finished the Daily Prophet newspaper I've been slowly chipping away at in my spare moments.  This one was not nearly as difficult as the one I made back in 2007; that one I made a lot of the material from scratch, and it was a huge production to put together.  Fortunately enough time has gone by for Harry Potter materials to be archived on the internet, and so there is a lovely website with ALL the articles from the Daily Prophet over the course of all the books.  So it was mostly just a matter of copying and pasting (and a little layout magic, which took me back to my newspaper editing days in high school).  I may add to it before October, but it's 10 pages right now, which is a fairly decent size for a prop, and I'm generally pleased with how it looks.

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