
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Spider Lair

Itchy is the watchword. That and, you know, spiderweb. The ceiling layer of the spiderweb went up today. Placed it a good 6 inches below the green lights, which brought the ceiling down to a slightly more claustrophobic height, and the web has still got a green glow. Naturally the egg sacks made years ago went up--white leggings + stuffing + small plastic spiders. The flashing green ice cubes may or may not be turned on in them this year. And of course my spider mummy addition of last year got strung up. The big spiders went up--animated guy went up right near the doorway, and plushy/poseable guy went in the corner.

Still have yet to put up the various sizes of plastic spiders I've acquired, but that's more like throwing confetti around--the hardest construction (aka, getting up and down a ladder) is up!

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