
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sore hand...

Oye. My hand is fairly cramped up right now--more of a claw really. Had the carving night last night--much fun was had and we did some truly awesome pumpkins (

I did a gargoyle last night--slightly clipped one of his wings:( But other than that he looks okay. Today I apparently had a bout of madness--I did three pumpkins within a four hour period. By myself. I love the pumpkin gutter--it definitely saves my fingernails from having pumpkin shoved under them--but it does get a bit heavy, especially if you don't have anyone helping 'spell' you in the gutting. Anyway, did a set of creepy ones--Michael Jackson from Thriller, a drippy skull, and Nosferatu. I'm good with how all of them turned out--though the skull has a wee piece missing from where my hand slipped. Oh well... Excellent news is that the string of lights has totally worked out--I threaded the bulbs through my tiered plant holder and hooked them up to my timer, so the patterns really stand out. Yay! Four more to go....

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